Some applications using lightweight substrates require nothing more than dropping the boot in place and letting the panel ex in the wind. The movement will actually draw attention to your message.On Turf/Dirt: (Spikes)
Step 1) Drive 1/2" rebar spike through the holes into the surface.
On Asphalt: (Spikes)
Step 1) Drill 1/2" diameter pilot holes in the asphalt through the product's holes.
Step 2) Drive the 1/2” rebar spike through boot into asphalt.
Step 2) Drive the 1/2” rebar spike through boot into asphalt.
On Concrete: (Lag bolts and shields)
Step 1) Mark and drill 1/2" diameter holes and insert the lag shields.
Step 2) Position the Boot over the holes. Insert and tighten the lag bolts.
Step 2) Position the Boot over the holes. Insert and tighten the lag bolts.
Step 1) Insert sign in slot
Step 2) Insert pins through holes.
Step 3) Don’t worry, your signs will be there for your next message change.
Step 2) Insert pins through holes.
Step 3) Don’t worry, your signs will be there for your next message change.

Made from Recycled truck tires.